Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Self -introduction

Name : Weiting Wong
Student ID : 1102702417
Age : 18
D.O.B : 16 / 08 / 1992
Hometown : Johor
Email :
Facebook :

Above are some basic introduction of myself and I hope that at least it will let you know somethings about me.For more your information :

- from single-parent family
- prefer chocolate than candy
- prefer daisy than rose
- currently living in Cyberia Smarthomes, Cyberjaya.
- noob in drawing
- gonna own a DSLR soon and I look forward to it.
- heading to Media Innovation or Interface Design when in degree
- hope that I can 'absorb' well in what have been taught in this semester 

Nice to meet you all...:D

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