Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First lesson of Creative Studies

Finally start our Creative Studies class 'normally'.

The first lesson, I learn about creative thinking and how to ask or answer creatively. For an example, same question can get many different answers even asking the same person.

 "What is the similarity of a lamp post and an elephant?".

This is one of the things that I think is interesting throughout the class.
The common answers get from our course mates are that they are in same color, high in height even the weight is answered.But, answers of lecturer are both of them aren't our friends and both of them can't talk. From this question, we can know that most of us still not have the creative thinking in minds. We are usually thinking inside the box and search for the answer around the same coverage and inside the same scheme.

Besides, we been taught the Myth of Creativity

Myth of Creativity :
  1. Only special talented people are creative.
  2. Being creative is hard.
  3. Problems are in our life to make it more difficult (people who never suffer from difficult will never know happiness)
  4. I am not creative.
  5. Innovation is the domain of genius.
  6. I have to have brand new ideas in order for me to be considered creative.
  7. Brainstorming is hard work.
  8. Only artists need to be creative.
  9. Writer's block in greatest obstacle in creative process.
  10. Using structured creative techniques will hinder my ability to be creative.
We are always answer or doing the same things that we know and had been taught. We seldom think of something special or thinking outside the box.This is what we must change and learn as we are part of the Creative Multimedia students.

Lets have a test :
Look at the picture at the left, concentrate on the movement of the women.

Do you see this women moving in Clockwise or Anti- clockwise?

If you see her moving CLOCKWISE, you are using your CREATIVE side of your brain, that is right brain.

If you see her moving ANTI-CLOCKWISE, you are using your LOGICAL part of your brain, that is left brain.

What is your answer?

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